Folder Circular economy and resource efficiency Zip download

During the 2011 Eionet workshop on SCP and resource efficiency, several country delegates requested to complement annual Eionet meetings with other, more regular, forms of interaction. One specific suggestion was to organize webinars, i.e., short, internet-based, e-conferences. 

Developed as a joint effort by the Eionet network, EEA, and the Topic Centres, webinars on resource efficiency were initiated in 2012. In recent years, the series has also included policies for circular economy. To date, webinars covered the following topics (most recent first): 

  • national strategies or roadmaps for the cirular economy recently adopted in Denmark, France and Slovenia
  • financing mechanisms for the circular economy
  • development of national policies for the circular economy
  • national targets for resource efficiency
  • 'Star Webinar' on the circular economy, with First Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans 
  • examples of national policy initiatives from the forthcoming 'More From Less' report
  • 'Star Webinar' on transition to a new economic model, with former Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik
  • mixes of policies and instruments for resource efficiency
  • 'Star Webinar' on decoupling, with Professor Ernst von Weizsaecker
  • Raw Material Consumption (RMC) and European target on resource productivity;
  • circular economy;
  • industrial symbiosis; 
  • objectives, targets and indicators for resource efficiency; 
  • national RE policies and good practice examples.

Materials from each webinar - summary report, presentations, and a video recording - are available in the folders below.

If you have any comments or suggestions concerning future webinars on resource efficiency or circular economy, please contact

Paweł Kaźmierczyk at tel (+45) 333 67 122

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder Webinar on recently adopted national Circular Economy policies - 13 Dec 2018 (10 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 13/12/2018, 19:56
Folder Webinar on financing mechanisms for the circular economy - 26 Sept 2018 (12 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 26/09/2018, 22:32
Folder Webinar on national circular economy policies - 19 Sep 2017 (10 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 19/09/2017, 18:28
Folder Webinar on national targets for resource efficiency - 30 June 2016 (11 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 06/07/2016, 11:12
Folder Special Eionet RE webinar: Frans Timmermans on the circular economy, 1 March 2016 (7 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 18:04
Folder Webinar to present examples of policy initiatives from the 'More from less' report and Eionet ideas for follow up in 2016 - 4 Dec 2015 (10 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:53
Folder Special Eionet RE webinar: Commissioner Janez Potocnik on transition to a new economic model - 28 Oct 2015 (6 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 29/10/2015, 16:45
Folder Webinar on policy mixes for resource efficiency - 11 June 2015 (10 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:52
Folder Special Eionet RE webinar: Professor Ernst von Weizsaecker on decoupling - 21 Jan 2015 (7 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 15/01/2016, 18:48
Folder Webinar on RMC and target for European resource productivity - 5 Dec 2014 (11 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:52
Folder Webinar on resource efficiency and circular economy - 17 March 2014 (8 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:51
Folder Webinar on industrial symbiosis initiatives - 2 December 2013 (6 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:52
Folder Webinar on RE objectives, targets and indicators - 25 June 2013 (9 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:51
Folder Webinar on national good practice showcases - 27 Feb 2013 (2 items) kazmipaw (disabled) 02/03/2016, 17:50
Folder Knowledge sharing on Resource Efficiency Policies - Webinar - 29 November 2012 (3 items) herczmar (disabled) 29/11/2012, 12:15