Webinar on RE objectives, targets and indicators - 25 June 2013
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The webinar was held on 25 June 2013, and was attended by about forty people from seventeen countries and DG Environment. The main topic of the event were objectives, targets and indicators in resource efficiency policies. The presentations included:
Update from the Commission: work on indicators and targets for the Resource Efficiency Roadmap (Mr. Jacques Bonnin, European Commission, DG Environment);
Experience and lessons learned from developing the 2012 national resource efficiency strategy in Germany (Mr. Jens Gunther, Federal Environment Agency, Germany);
Objectives and targets for resource efficiency in the Netherlands (Mr. Frans Vollenbroek, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands);
Resource efficiency indicators in Finland and their use for monitoring national targets (Ms. Merja Saarnilehto, Ministry of the Environment, Finland)
Background paper, presentations, webinar agenda, list of registered participants, and a videorecording (mp4 format) of the webinar are available below.
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