1. Financing transition to Cirular economy Pavel Misiga DG RTD.pdf
2. EIB support to CE transition Arnold Verbeek, European Investement Bank.pdf
3. TAIEX and peer learning support to member states - Andreas Versmann DG ENV.pdf
3a. Peer to peer leaflet.pdf
3b. TAIEX EIR P2P summary overview Sept 2018.docx
3b. TAIEX EIR P2P summary overview Sept 2018.pdf
4. Support measures for resource efficiency in Estonia Mihkel Krusberg, Ministry of Environment.pdf
EEA Webinar - Financing mechanisms for the Circular Economy - 26 Sept 2018.mp4
EEA webinar on financing mechanisms for the cirular economy - summary overview and presentations - 26 Sept 2018.pdf