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Strategic planning instruments have also been in use in European countries, such as drought management plans in Spain. These enable to plan, monitor, and mitigate water scarcity situations and enhance decision-making during periods of drought (Stein et al. 2016, 2020; EC 2007).

Preventive actions and recovery policies should be informed by identifying measures based on an ecosystem-based management approach (EEA forthcoming). This presupposes that ecosystemic preservation is just another goal to be pursued alongside production, employment and other policy targets, which have serious implications for water ecosystems in the EU. Integrated water management and nexus approaches to managing the complex system of water-food-energy-environment are becoming increasingly implemented to ensure cross-compliant policy responses to water abstraction challenges among others (ibid.). Both approaches have in common that they take into account environmental as well as sectoral needs (EEA 2018a).

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