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Box 4.8 Spatial targeting in Rural Development Programme in France

The agri-environment-climate measure in France is established at national level supplemented by strategies at regional (RDP level). The national framework requires that the regional agri-environment-climate strategy is coordinated with other regional and local plans, including RBMPs and other water management related plans in France (e.g. catchment management plans, territorial contracts of the water agency). One main mechanism to increase this coordination is through spatial targeting. Spatial targeting of M10 sub-measures occurs through two mechanisms.

A first prioritisation is presented in the RDP through the M10 agri-environment strategy. For example, in the Midi-Pyrenees RDP the M10 agri-environment-climate strategy targets the following water priority areas: 1) catchments experiencing water scarcity resulting in not reaching ecological flow targets, 2) drinking water protected areas, 3) water bodies in bad ecological status identified according to the characterization report from 2013, and strategic zones for future water use (drinking water, bathing water, wetlands).

The second level of spatial targeting occurs through “agri-environment-climate projects” (PAEC). Any M10 sub-measure (MAEC) must be implemented in the areas identified in the RDP (above) and covered by a PAEC. PAECs are sub-regional plans that aim to implement M10 sub-measures in a coordinated way in pre-defined sub-regions of the RDP region (e.g. a catchment).

The PAEC presents a valuable mechanism to improve the spatial targeting of RDP measures at landscape level.

Source: Berglund et al., 2017

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