3. Methodological approach and data sources

The background information has been extracted from the WFD RBMPs. Based on the available data, a series of graphs has been produced in order to cross-compare and assess the prevailing issues in relation to the quantitative status. The following data have been collected and analyzed:

  • Groundwater bodies in good, poor and unknown quantitative status per country (2009)
  • Groundwater bodies in good, poor and unknown quantitative status per country (2015)
  • Pressures per Groundwater body: abstractions, artificial recharge, saltwater intrusions, other pressures and without these pressures per country
  • Criteria use for the status assessment per Groundwater body
  • Application of the definition of ‘available groundwater resource’ per Groundwater body and RBD
  • Consideration of the balance between recharge and abstraction in the assessment, per Groundwater body and RBD
  • Reasons for failure good quantitative status per Groundwater body
  • Exemptions applied for reaching good quantitative status per RBD
  • Information on Groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (Groundwater Terrestrial Ecosystems)
  • Basic measures for achieving good quantitative status in 2015 per RBD
  • Supplementary measures for achieving good quantitative status in 2015 per RBD


For the analysis of status and pressures 135 RBDs (the total number uploaded in WISE) have been reviewed, while for the analysis of measures the report focused on the 15 RBDs, namely the ones where significant improvement is expected by 2015.

To complement the report case studies have been selected from the existing literature, while for a European overview of the aquifer types and groundwater resources available EU-wide maps have been retrieved from credible sources.

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