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Figure 5.1:

In cases where length (rivers) and area (remaining water categories) data were considered suspicious, these water bodies were excluded from the analysis by length or area. These were cases when length or area was 0 or below or when data were not reported. This occurred in all water categories. In addition there were cases of unrealistically high numbers, indicating erroneous unit. For rivers, all water bodies with length > 1000 km were removed. These were all Italian. No lake or transitional water bodies were removed due to too large area, but all coastal water bodies >6000 km2 were removed. These were all from the Spanish RBD ES100. The total numbers of classified water bodies used in this analysis were thus somewhat lower than in the analysis by count (see notes figure 5.0), i.e.:

Rivers: 74413, Lakes: 13828, Transitional waters: 614, Coastal waters: 2181.

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