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4.2.    European overview of hydromorphological pressures

4.2.1.      Methodology issues

Europe’s surface freshwaters are affected by major modifications, such as water abstractions, water flow regulations (dams, weirs, sluices, and locks) and morphological alterations, straightening and canalisation, and disconnection of flood plains.  These are called hydromorphological pressures. In RBMPs, hydromorphological pressures on surface water bodies were categorized by the Member States into five main pressure groups,

  • Water abstraction:  modifying significantly the flow regime of the water body,
  • Water flow regulations and morphological alterations:
  • River management;
  • Transitional and coastal water managementother morphological alterations; and
  • Other pressures (including land drainage).

Previous comments

  • duboiaur (Aurelie Dubois) 29 Mar 2012 08:46:33

    In France, we do not fully agree with this classification into five main pressures groups and think it should be review.

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