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5.3.1.      River fragmentation, Loire River, France and recovery of fish species in the River Rhine

River fragmentation in the Loire River, France by obstacles in 1700 and 2005, affecting adult salmon migrating upstream.

Source: EEA, 2007


Almost all fish species have returned to the Rhine, but access to habitats for salmon should be improved.

Measures targeted at improving water quality in the Rhine have enabled many fish species to return to the river. However, some specific measures are required to enable salmon to really re-colonize the Rhine basin, in particular to improve access from the sea past the sluices of the Haringvliet, Netherlands. The target year for this improvement and for improved access to the salmon habitats in the tributaries of the Upper Rhine is 2015. (ICPR, 2009)

Previous comments

  • duboiaur (Aurelie Dubois) 12 Apr 2012 15:08:47

    The case study on Loire river is now obsolete with the implementation of the French "Flows Obstructions Database". Consequently, we propose the text above to replace it.

    The French database of obstacles to flows

    In metropolitain France, more than 60,000 structures, dams, locks, weirs and mills, have been recorded on rivers. They are potential obstacles to river continuity, change the natural morphology and hydrology of aquatic systems and have impacts on ecosystems. To restore the river continuity, it is necessary to make an inventory of the obstacles to flows with reliable, consolidated and homogeneous data, in ordre to evaluate the impacts on continuity and aquatic ecosystems.

    In order to improve our knowledge of the dams and weirs that fragment French rivers, ONEMA with its partners have established a Flow Obstructions Database (ROE- Référentiel des Obstacles à l'Ecoulement) that is now avalaible. The information given, unique national code, location and characteristics, are limited but essential and, above all, common to all stakeholders in the fields of water, town and country planning. This database ensures a good management and traceability of the data. The database lists all hydraulic structures that have already been identified troughout France.

    This inventory is published as an interactiv map, that shows the position of obstacles at a river or at an administrative scale. The data and metadata for each structure can be downloaded at this address:

    Some information in english are given in :

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