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Figure 7,2 Percentage of river WBs and lake WBs with habitat alteration being an impact

Rivers – percentage of water bodies with altered habitats being an impact

Lakes – percentage of water bodies with altered habitats being an impact

Excel sheet: impact_rivers.xlsx

Notes: Based on rWBs with classified ecological status, total 61415 (water bodies from 15 EU Member States:  Austria; Belgium Flanders; Bulgaria; Czech Rep; Estonia; Finland; France;  Germany;  Greece*; Hungary;  Italy; Lithuania; Spain*;  Sweden & United Kingdom.

No impact  data from Ireland; Lithuania, Luxembourg; The Netherlands, Poland, Romania & Slovak Rep.

Sorted by percentage of water bodies with at least good status

Excel sheet: impact_lakes.xlsx

Notes: Based on lWBs with classified ecological status, total 11723 water bodies from 15 EU Member States:  Austria; Belgium Flanders; Bulgaria; Czech Rep; Estonia; Finland; France;  Germany;  Greece*; Hungary;  Italy; Lithuania; Spain*;  Sweden & United Kingdom.

No lake water bodies reported for Luxembourg and Slovak Rep.

Sorted by percentage of water bodies with at least good status

Previous comments

  • austnkar (Kari Austnes) 11 Apr 2012 16:17:12

    This is just the same data as in (the second) figure 4.5. Or maybe these are actually slightly older data (and what does * indicate?). Anyway, you could rather just refer to figure 4.5

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