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In the same way, Resilience - in a more generic way - is described as the ability of a social or ecological system to absorb disturbances while retaining the same basic structure and ways of functioning, the capacity for self-organisation and the capacity to adapt to stress and change (EEA 2012c).

Previous comments

  • vanneru (Rudy Vannevel) 20 Aug 2012 14:12:08

    1) Social relates to a feature of a community. To a system, societal (indicating socio-economic) seems more appropriate.

    2) absorb disturbances >> resist to disturbances

    • vannewou (Wouter Vanneuville) 22 Aug 2012 11:57:56

      1) Social relates to a feature of a community. To a system, societal (indicating socio-economic) seems more appropriate.

      2) absorb disturbances >> resist to disturbances

      done, text changed in line with 1) and 2)

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