Box 5.4 Drought Management Plans in Spanish River Basins
The Spanish drought management plans are powerful tools coordinated by River Basin Authorities that prioritise uses and protect water ecosystems under stressed situations through agreed bases among stakeholders. They establish drought phases, describe appropriate measures to be applied at each phase taking into consideration homogenized national drought indicators, mitigate their negative effects and foster a comprehensive follow-up of drought episodes and evolution. As their main achievement, they have avoided applying restrictions in urban areas throughout the recent drought periods.
In the implementation of Spanish Drought Management Plans a wide variety of indicators are used in order to warn for a period of impending drought. These include monitoring reservoir levels, using classical drought indices and assessing uncharacteristic thickness of snow pack during winter. The threat level is then evaluated and defined by 3 consecutive scenarios, each of which require different actions to be undertaken:
Source: Garrote et al. 2006
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