Box 5.9 Flooding in the UK 2007 – lessons to be learned
The flood events experienced in the UK in the summer of 2007 were in large parts caused by three storms of record-breaking magnitude and spatial extent. For example, the storm of the 19th-20th July produced up to 140 mm of localised rainfall, estimated to have a return period of about 100-years (Marsh and Hannaford 2007). The resulting flood peaks exceeded previous maximum recorded flow in numerous locations, and estimated return periods exceed 100-years in several places. The extensive flood damages caused by the unusual hydrological conditions of 2007 are well-documented. Over 55,000 homes and 6,000 businesses were flooded; the related insurance claims were approaching €4.5 billion by late-2007. Many flooded and low-lying localities had to be evacuated
Following the summer 2007 floods, the UK Government asked Sir Michael Pitt to undertake a comprehensive review of the lessons to be learned from the events. During the fact-finding over a 10 months period, the review team examined over 1000 written submissions, considered experiences of other countries and visited communities affected by flooding. The outcome of the review was a report published in June 2008 containing 92 recommendations on how to improve flood risk management (Pitt 2008). Actions following the review included the need for a step change in the quality of flood warnings, a greater role for local authorities in flood risk management, better planning and protection for critical infrastructure, and raising public awareness of flood risk. Many of the recommendations have now been put into practise (Defra 2009).
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