Rivers – Hazardous substances

Table 4 provides an overview on the reporting of the preferred hazardous substances. – or only examples of substances?

Note: In the current data set the reporting of some high priority determinands has stopped or there has been change in the determinands in the database e.g. lead changed to dissolved lead. EEA wants to clarify if these changes are real changes or it has been errors/misinterpretations introduced in compiling the databases. In addition, the aim is to ensure that the high priority determinands (e.g. priority substances) have as complete coverage as possible.

Country reports data on hazardous substances in rivers since year.

Cyprus has been reporting data on hazardous substances in rivers since 2008. In Table 4 there is an overview on the metals and some pesticides, more substances have been reported in Cyprus (metals, pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, other) Nearly all priority substances according to the WFD have been reported.

Table 4: Preferred hazardous substances in rivers by number of stations and year

Table 5 shows the number of river stations by River Basin Districts which reported on preferred hazardous substances for the period from 2008 – 2012. In this period Cyprus reported data from around 26 river stations at all.

Table 5: Number of stations by River Basin Districts for preferred hazardous substances


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Questions to Cyprus regarding the reporting on hazardous substances in rivers:

1. Clarifying questions on data in current database (primary questions)

- question 1 Does data exist for determinands to fill the gaps in reporting?

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- question 2 Dissolved-total heavy metals

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2. Improving coverage of determinands, temporal and spatial coverage

- Are data from 1992 to 2007 available? - Can the data be resubmitted for stations / years which have not been reported so far?

- Are there more stations for the preferred determinands available that have so far not been reported?

Note: Data resubmission during next reporting in Autumn 2015

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