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Dear Eionet Thematic Group Water, Reporters on Emissions to Water,
cc NFPs, Eionet Group Biodiversity and Ecosystems 1, Reporters on Water Quality,
I hope that you are well and will be getting a summer break.
This message concerns the consultation of an ETC ICM technical report on emissions to water.
Knowledge of the main sources and pathways of emissions to water can give information on the success of measures to reduce emissions, and indicate whether further efforts may be needed. Our ability to measure progress towards zero pollution needs such baseline information. However, experience from the reporting of the second River Basin Management Plans under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) showed that while there is a Technical Guidance on the preparation of the inventory of emissions (EC, 2012), further information is needed to help countries report in a consistent and comparable way. A simplified method for the quantification of emissions to water is presented, which describes quantification methods for the 13 most relevant pathways of emissions to surface water.
This work initially started as part of the activities of Working Group Chemicals under the WFD (2019-21). We are very grateful for the contributions of members of the subgroup, which underpin this report.
The factsheets developed have broader applicability, so we decided to complete the work in an Eionet context. Please note, it is not the intention of this activity to replace the approach to reporting in countries where there is already detailed knowledge of emissions. Rather, the goal of this report is to help where countries have limited, or no, understanding of emissions pathways.
Action requested: Please review the draft report and answer the questions. Because much of the work has previously been reviewed through the WG Chemicals subgroup, we have set the questions at a high level. You are welcome to focus on specific pathways if that is your area of expertise.
Using the tool allows us to easily track the responses. Line numbers have been included in the pdf version of the report available on the consultation website, and if you refer to some specific text, please include relevant cross reference. Note that the report has not yet been English-checked nor formally laid out, and we do not request comments in that area
We kindly request that the NFP coordinates responses to provide a consolidated reply. The consultation is open from today until 7th September 2022.
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This message has also been sent to relevant experts and the European Commission.
We hope you find the draft report interesting and look forward to receiving your comments. If you have any questions regarding the report, please do not hesitate to get in contact with
Thank you very much for your expert assistance.
Kind regards,
Caroline Whalley
Section | Comments |
Consultation questions | 41 |