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Table 4.2        Interlinkages and potential synergies between the FD, WFD and BHDs.



hydrological processes of interest for the FD


physical processes, related to (B), of interest for the WFD


physical processes as abiotic habitat determinant, related to (B), of interest for the BHDs


potential synergetic measures and potential conflicts



-          infiltration

-          retention

-          storage


-          nutrient control

-          natural hydromorphology of small water bodies (a)


-          groundwater in- and outflow

-          natural groundwater level fluctuations

-          temporal pluvial and groundwater floods in low-lying areas

-          restoration of buffering capacity of agricultural land and forests

-          NWRM

-          land use planning, securing functions and ESS

floodplain / APSFR

-          storage

-          attenuation of flood waves (upstream stretches)

-          increase of discharge capacity (downstream stretches)


-          nutrient retention

-          natural hydromorphology of water bodies in floodplains (a)


-          connectivity in natural degrees

-          continuity

-          inundation depths at natural levels

-          natural erosion and sedimentation processes

-          increasing or re-activating floodplains

-          land use planning, excluding certain developments, keeping storage / discharge capacities intact,

-          increase floodplain area

-          protection of Natura 2000 from adverse effects of flood risk management

-          green infrastructure to support the multi-functionality

river bed

-          fast discharge of flood water

-          natural hydromorphology (a)


-          continuity

-          environmental flow

-          sediment management

(a) Hydromorphological elements supporting the biological elements: hydrological regime, quantity and dynamics of water flow, connection to groundwater bodies, river continuity, morphological conditions, river depth and width variation, structure and substrate of the river bed and structure of the riparian zone


Previous comments

  • romaocar (Carlos Romao) 09 Oct 2015 17:14:25

    the table is not easy to read... and not clear what is listed as a synergetic measure or a potential conflict in the last column

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