The European One Health Action Plan against AMR was launched in 2017[1]. The Plan acknowledged the environment as a contributor to the development and spread of AMR in humans and animals, but that strong evidence was required to better inform decision-making.
In the European Union (EU), the legislation governing urban waste water treatment is largely set by the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) (UWWTD), which requires certain levels of treatment depending upon the size of the population being served and the sensitivity of the waters into which the effluent is discharged. The aim of the UWWTD is to protect human health and the environment, with requirements for reduction in of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus (but not bacteria). The Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) (BWD) applies where waters are designated for bathing and sets bacteriological standards for the water, which may require additional treatment at UWWTPs. The overarching Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) provides a common approach to managing European waters and includes both the UWWTD and BWD as “basic measures” towards achieving the objective of good status in all waters. A strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment is being developed by the European Commission under the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008/150/EC) as a daughter of the WFD. At the time of the meeting, both the WFD and the UWWTD are undergoing evaluation to assess whether they are delivering as intended and whether there are gaps in the legislation.
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Apart from this meeting I had a discussion - there mostly from people of the state agencies. They essentially argued that the WFD ONLY refers to the ecological state of the waters - health aspects are (at least legislatively) not covered (as long as the drinking water quality will not be impacted...)
Can you verify that ?