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Country level

Figure 2. Nitrate in rivers in European countries


Kosovo* refers to Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99.

The current concentration per river site is calculated as the average of available annual mean concentrations for the years 2019-2021. Concentrations are in mg nitrate-nitrogen per litre (mg NO3-N/l).

The river sites are assigned to different concentration classes to visualise the distribution of data in the dataset. 11.3 mg NO3-N/l corresponds to the maximum allowable concentration for nitrate of 50 mg/l in the Drinking Water Directive (2020/2184) and the Groundwater Directive (2006/118). The number of river sites per country is given in parenthesis.

Previous comments

  • rintapae (Paeivi Rinta) 01 Sep 2023 15:09:12

    Switzerland reports nitrate data for rivers since 1992. These data are listed for Fig. 1 (6 sites for 1992-2021 and 16 site for 2000-2021). Why are they not integrated in Fig. 2? Switzerland is not listed in the table at all, which must be a mistake. Could you please check the data again?

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