2022 - Consultation on Nutrients in freshwater in Europe (CSI020)

Consultation deadline has been reached.

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Dear colleagues,  

This is an EIONET consultation for updating the indicator CSI020 – Nutrients in freshwater in Europe.

Update 2022-10-05: Replies to comments added under "Files attached to this consultation". Thank you very much for your contributions.

CSI020 measures the average nitrate and phosphate concentrations in rivers, the total phosphorus concentration in lakes and the nitrate concentration in groundwater. The indicator assesses the development of average concentrations in Europe (EU-27 and the EEA member and cooperating countries).

It is an update of the indicator to include the latest data from the 2021 WISE SoE datacall, thus adding an additional year (2020) to the time series. The indicator include two sets of time series, the longer (starting 1992) includes fewer monitoring sites than the shorter one (starting in 2000). The source database is “Waterbase - Water Quality” (WISE-6) published on 11 May 2022 at the EEA website.

Background information on the methodological implementation is provided under the Supporting Information section. Input data and the results of the indicator computation are also provided in excel files (See the section - Files attached to this consultation).

The updated draft version of the indicator consist of the following:

Nutrients in freshwater in Europe, CSI020

  • Nitrate in groundwater
  • Nitrate in rivers
  • Phosphate in rivers
  • Total phosphorus in lakes

We kindly invite your comments and suggestions to this indicator. The format is that of an EEA indicator assessment, but we have set this consultation through the talkback tool, as this enables us to manage comments in a structured way. Note that the indicator has not yet been through editing nor final graphical layout, so you do not need comments on these aspects at this time. 

There are three sections:

Section 1 is the indicator assessment. This section provides assessment on the development in Europe at the EU level and status on country level.   

Section 2 is the supporting information. This section provides information on policy relevance of this indicator, data availability, the methodological aspect, uncertainties, data and information references. 

Section 3 is for general comments and questions.

The consultations is open until 20th September 2022. 

You will need to log in to comment. In case you have forgotten your EIONET Account credentials, you can recover them using this form: http://www.eionet.europa.eu/password-reset   

For technical support, please contact EIONET helpdesk at: helpdesk@eionet.europa.eu   

For CSI020 content related questions, please contact Jorgen Olsen Jorgen.Olsen@eea.europa.eu and Kari Austnes (ETC/ICM) kari.austnes@niva.no

We really appreciate it and look forward to receiving your comments.

Thank you very much for your expert assistance.

Kind regards,



Files attached to this consultation

Dashboards for data review:

(Warning: The above are draft dashboards for internal use, they may be removed or changed without prior notice. Do not link to it in publications or web sites.)

Section Comments
1 - Indicator text and figures 4
2 - Supporting information 1
3 - General comments and questions 0