Folder Other reports and assessments

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder 2002 Water Indicator Report Factsheets [Restricted access] cullirut (disabled) 15/10/2015, 17:06
Folder 2005 EEA report: Source apportionment of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs into the aquatic environment [Restricted access] nymansys (disabled) 15/10/2015, 17:07
Folder 2014 Country review - Emissions to Water - ETC/ICM report 2014 (1 item) Anita Künitzer 15/10/2015, 17:07
Folder Water Management in Europe: price and non-price approaches to water conservation (1 subfolder, 1 item) karlsjoa (disabled) 07/06/2017, 15:36
DOCX Report on WQ data WA and CSI018 v3.18 clean Download Anita Künitzer 16/12/2015, 08:26 5 MB
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