Post a comment on the text below                Guidance on contents of RBMPs/Background Documents

The following provides guidance on the aspects that the European Commission expects to find in the relevant chapters on methodologies in the RBMPs or in background documents. This guidance is not intended to be comprehensive in terms of what the Member States have to include in their RBMPs or background documents, rather to provide certain concrete elements of information that the European Commission expects to find.


  • The background documents accompanying the RBMPs should include a detailed description of the typology methodology, with information on whether system A or B has been used, typology factors (descriptors) and related ranges, methods for testing typology versus biological data, and setting the type-specific reference conditions.
  • Member States with a coastline where no transitional waters have been delineated should include a clear justification for this in these documents.
  • For international RBDs, it should be indicated whether typology was co-ordinated with the Member States and third countries sharing the international RBD and, if so, how this co-ordination was achieved and the results. If the typology was not co-ordinated, provide reasons why, steps that have been taken to address this shortcoming and by when co-ordination will be achieved.

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