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Water managers have already identified ways to become more energy efficient and reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Some UWWTPs generate more energy than they use, through biogas generation and waste water heat recovery. Some towns and operators have ambitious plans for “net zero” GHG emissions and are intensively reviewing their infrastructure and processes. Alternative approaches to energy-intensive treatment include constructed wetlands which in addition can provide green space for citizens, and decentralised approaches which treat and dispose, at or near the source, relatively small volumes of waste water.

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  • Bertrand Vallet (invited by Caroline Whalley) 08 Nov 2021 19:12:39

    WWTP can also avoid direct CO2 emission through biochar production and when recovering nitrogen as fertiliser

    Also please consider adding the underlined text: "Some Member States, towns and operators have ambitious plans for “net zero” GHG emissions generally focusing on the operation of the water sector first but are also intensively reviewing their infrastructure and processes. Alternative approaches to energy-intensive treatment include well performing control at source measures, constructed wetlands which in addition can provide green space for citizens, and decentralised approaches which treat and dispose, at or near the source, relatively small volumes of waste water. "

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