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A significant blocker in realising circularity in sewage treatment is the presence of harmful chemical pollutants in waste water. This leads to the need for intensive treatment to remove them and then the presence of persistent pollutants in sludge, making that unsuitable for reuse on land. Breaking this cycle requires the successful implementation of the Green Deal “Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability”, so that harmful pollutants are no longer present in the sewage.

Previous comments

  • Mohamad Kayyal (invited by Caroline Whalley) 21 Oct 2021 13:05:53

    another aspect against achieving ciruclarity are economic factors.

    Jordan utilizes treated wastewater because of lack of water resources. It is cheaper than dessalination or deep groundwater wells pumping or transfer from other locations. Gaza strip WWTP generates electricity because of lack of energy resources. Economic aspects are critical and should be recognized

  • Bertrand Vallet (invited by Caroline Whalley) 08 Nov 2021 19:18:33

    Please consider addind the following text at the end of the first sentence: "coming from hazardous substances in consumer products from households and from industries connected to WWTPs. "

    Please consider adding the underlined text: "This leads to the need for intensive treatment to remove them and then the presence of persistent pollutants in sludge, even sometimes making the sludge unsuitable for reuse on land. Breaking this cycle requires the successful implementation of the Green Deal “Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability”, so that harmful pollutants are no longer present in the waste water entering the WWTPs."

    Regarding the presence of pollutants in sludge, a comparision with manure and other fertiliser would be good.

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