Historical data on groundwater quality
Following reports comprise full documentation of groundwater quality data which were collected by the ETC/IW between 1996 and 1999.

Pilot implementation EUROWATERNET – groundwater

Data and information for this report were provided by twelve countries to enable the
Agency to successfully test the proposed EUROWATERNET methodology for
demonstrating the state and trends of groundwater in selected groundwater bodies with
reference to nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen.

Technical report N° 39

AWW Austrian Working Group on Water
Andreas Scheidleder, Johannes Grath, Bettina Götz, Martin Kralik, Karin Weber

ETC/IW leader: Tim Lack

March 2000

Project manager: Niels Thyssen
European Environment Agency


Groundwater quality and quantity in Europe

This report presents the first Pan-European overview of groundwater quality and quantity based on measured data. Data and information provided from 37 countries have been used in this assessment report. Different indicators have been used to assess the pressures on groundwater quality and quantity related to, in particular, nitrate, pesticides and groundwater abstraction. The report also identifies a need for improved information on groundwater across Europe. 

Environmental Assessment Report N° 3 

A. Scheidleder, J. Grath, G. Winkler, U. Stärk, C. Koreimann and C. Gmeiner, Austrian Working Group on Water
S. Nixon and J. Casillas, Water Research Centre;
P. Gravesen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland;
J. Leonard, International Office for Water;
M. Elvira, Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas

Final editing: S. Nixon

ETC-IW Leader: T. J. Lack

July 1999

Project Manager: Niels Thyssen
European Environment Agency


Groundwater quality and quantity in Europe - Data and basic information

Technical report No 22

A. Scheidleder, J. Grath, G. Winkler, U. Stärk, C. Koreimann and C. Gmeiner, Austrian Working Group on Water;
P. Gravesen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland;
J. Leonard, International Office for Water;
M. Elvira, Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas;
S. Nixon and J. Casillas, Water Research Centre;

ETC-IW Leader: T. J. Lack

July 1999

Project Manager: Niels Thyssen
European Environment Agency