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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
XLS ES_biota_data_without_stations.xls Download jensejor (disabled) 09/09/2011, 00:00 24 KB
XLS ES_zero_concentrations_biota.xls Download jensejor (disabled) 09/09/2011, 00:00 17 KB
XLS ES_zero_concentrations_sediment.xls Download jensejor (disabled) 09/09/2011, 00:00 21 KB
XLS ES_zero_load_discharge.xls Download jensejor (disabled) 09/09/2011, 00:00 18 KB
XLS ES_zero_load_inputs.xls Download jensejor (disabled) 09/09/2011, 00:00 67 KB
DOCX Spain.docx Download jensejor (disabled) 02/09/2011, 00:00 11 KB
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