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English: Transition governance

Glossary Element  Transition governance

Transition governance refers to modes of political steering, involving public and private actors, aimed at promoting system transitions from one equilibrium (e.g. energy system based on fossil fuels) to another (e.g. an energy system based on renewable energy). Transition governance aims to influence the outcome of transformation to lessen inherent uncertainty and produce desirable outcomes during the transformation process. This is primarily achieved by long-term policy frameworks such as the EU’s 2050 agenda on energy and climate, biodiversity, resource efficiency and green economy, by high-level government support, long-term research, innovation and technology programmes engaging a wide range of stakeholders over multiple levels, and by strong engagement with citizens.


Rotmans, J. 2012. In het oog van de orkaan – Nederland in transitie. Boxtel.

Jakil, A. 2011. Sustainability Governance Foresight – Towards Bridging the Knowledge Gap between Policy Analysis and Governance for Sustainable Development. Vienna.