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PDF WFD 2016 Reporting National Spatial Data Download (2 versions) Alberto Telletxea 12/11/2015, 08:38 1 MB
PDF WFD 2016 Reporting Districts Descriptive Data Download (2 versions) Alberto Telletxea 13/11/2015, 07:08 5 MB
PDF WFD 2016 National Spatial Data Reporting Practical Exercise Download Alberto Telletxea 12/11/2015, 05:33 2 MB
PDF WFD 2016 National RBDSUCA Data Reporting Practical Exercise Download (2 versions) Alberto Telletxea 13/11/2015, 07:05 1 MB
PDF WFD 2016 National RBDSUCA Data Reporting Download (2 versions) Alberto Telletxea 12/11/2015, 08:35 2 MB
PDF WFD 2016 Introduction to Reporting Guidance Tools Download (5 versions) Alberto Telletxea 12/11/2015, 10:59 1 MB
PDF WFD 2016 Districts Descriptive Data Reporting Practical Exercise Download Alberto Telletxea 13/11/2015, 07:07 1 MB