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Eionet Forum

Welcome to the Eionet Forum. The Forum offers groups within Eionet (and beyond) a space to cooperate on items of shared interest. The groups are referred to as Interest Groups (IG). In order to become a member of an Interest Group please read the information provided by the group and follow the instructions.

Public interest groups
Interest groups you can access (view/download content) without authentication.
(Read-Only) Eionet Communications Group [Request membership]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for sharing communication practices, exploring synergies and linking communication efforts for greater impact
EEA-Eionet Day [Request membership]
For registration and sharing information about EEA-Eionet Day, taking place on 1 March 2023
Freshwater [Request membership]
Public content available for wider Water Community
Reporting under Birds Directive (Article 12) [Request membership]
Reporting under Habitats Directive (Article 17) [Request membership]
Reporting under the WISE Water Directives and WISE SoE [Request membership]
WISE Water Directives and WISE SoE reporting interest group
Reports on European Red List of habitats [Request membership]
[To archive] ETC ST consortium [Request membership]
European Topic Center on Sustainability Transitions
Interest groups you need to be logged in with an Eionet account
(Read-Only) EEA West Balkans cooperation Interest Group [Request access]
(Read-Only) Eionet Biodiversity and Ecosystems 1 Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for coordinated inputs across the topics of forest, freshwater, agriculture and environment, marine, biodiversity and ecosystems.
(Read-Only) Eionet Biodiversity and Ecosystems 2 Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group with focus on drivers of biodiversity and ecosystems changes, supporting the implementation of actions, and management measures and their evaluation.
(Read-Only) Eionet Circular Economy and Resource Use Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group with focus on means to reduce environmental and climate impacts from production and consumption systems in Europe.
(Read-Only) Eionet Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for assessing climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in Europe
(Read-Only) Eionet Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Systems Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of relevant climate policies and measures, including those addressing the energy system
(Read-Only) Eionet Food Systems Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for supporting activities addressing the sustainability of food systems in Europe, including the policies and drivers that shape them.
(Read-Only) Eionet Mobility Systems Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for development of knowledge and indicators on transport, enviroment and climate.
(Read-Only) Eionet State of the Environment Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for improving reporting for SOE and related sustainability assessments.
(Read-Only) NFP/Eionet Interest Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams - Interest group for the NFP/Eionet group
(Read-only) Adhoc Expert Group on Chemicals [Request access]
Network to facilitate exchange of knowledge on chemicals across countries
(Read-only) Eionet Foresight Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for promoting the use of forward-looking information in integrated assessments and for building foresight literacy within Eionet.
(Read-only) Eionet Human Health and Environment Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Group for assessing how exposure to air pollution, noise, hazardous chemicals, and climate change contribute to the burden of disease in Europe
(Read-only) Eionet Land Systems Group [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams
(Read-only) Eionet Working Group Antimicrobial Resistance [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Working group for sharing of good practice and information about monitoring and reporting on antimicrobial resistance in European surface waters
(Read-only) Eionet Working Group Building Systems [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Working group for studying intergrated environmental assessment of building systems
(Read-only) Eionet Working Group Planetary Boundaries [Request access]
Content is being migrated to Eionet workspace in Teams -- Working group for exploring the operationalisation of planetary boundaries at the national scale
EEA Management Board and Bureau [Request access]
EEA Programming Documents consultations [Request access]
Eionet consultations for the EEA Annual Management Plans and Multiannual Work Programme
EEA Scientific Committee [Request access]
EEAcademy [Request access]
EEAcademy Advisory Committee [Request access]
Members of the Advisory Committee
EPA Network [Request access]
Directors of Environment in Europe
Reporting under the E-PRTR (feedback on E-PRTR data review) [Request access]
Test Interest Group [Request access]
An Interest Group set up for testing purposes by the EEA system owner and IT developers
[To archive] ETC ATNI consortium [Request access]
European Topis Center on Air Pollution, Transport, Noise and Industrial pollution
[To archive] ETC BD consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity
[To archive] ETC CA consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Climate Change Adaptation and LULUCF
[To archive] ETC CCA Consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation
[To archive] ETC CE consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Circular Economy and Resource Use
[To archive] ETC CM consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation
[To archive] ETC CME consortium [Request access]
Interest Group of the European Topic Centre on Climate change Mitigation and Energy
[To archive] ETC DI consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Data Integration and Digitalisation
[To archive] ETC HE consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment
[To archive] ETC ICM Consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters
[To archive] ETC ULS Consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Urban, Land and Soil systems
[To archive] ETC WMGE Consortium [Request access]
European Topic Centre on Waste and Material in a Green Economy
[To archive] Forward-looking information and services (FLIS) [Request access]
Forward Looking Information and Scenarios


Archived Interest groups

Not accessible. Kept for documentation. You can request access to content via HelpDesk.

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