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European Red List of habitats

The interest group contains the fact sheets of the European Red List of Habitats. It was a project carried out between 2013-2016 on behalf of the European Commission. An assessment was produced of the status of all natural and semi-natural habitat types at European and EU28-level. In addition to this assessment, other important information collected for each habitat type is documented in the fact sheets. A total of 490 habitat types were assessed. For both terrestrial and marine habitats the Red List typology was based on the EUNIS habitats classification at level 3 for the terrestrial and level 4 for the marine ones.

The information in the fact sheets can be used to

  • Provide an overview on the status of habitat types in Europe
  • Help to assess the need for a potential revision of Annex I of the Habitats Directive;
  • Contribute to the work on the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) as well as the restoration agenda under Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy;
  • Provide background for proposals/initiatives targeted at coordinated European conservation action;
  • Improve the general understanding among policy makers, the interested parties and general public for the need of European conservation action.

For further information see the project reports at European Commission web site :

See the Red List habitats in EUNIS web application : 

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder Marine habitat fact sheets (5 subfolders) Eleni Tryfon 15/01/2021, 12:40
Folder Terrestrial habitat fact sheets (7 subfolders) Eleni Tryfon 15/01/2021, 12:41
Folder Project data deliverables (3 subfolders, 2 items) Eleni Tryfon 16/12/2021, 18:17
Folder Corrigendum to project deliverables (1 item) Eleni Tryfon 21/04/2021, 16:28