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3.2        Water abstraction

3.2.1        Background

Hydrological regimes are key in maintaining healthy aquatic habitats and the quality of aquatic ecosystems, and their role in supporting the achievement of environmental objectives is fully recognised in the WFD. Agriculture can have widespread impacts on the hydrological regime of river basins and aquifers, by changing land use and altering natural hydrological flows across the landscape, and by increasing abstraction in surface water and groundwater bodies. In addition, irrigation infrastructure often involves the building of water storage (reservoirs) and water transfers.

This chapter focuses on agricultural abstraction pressures, which can play a significant role in exacerbating minimum flows needed for health stream ecology. Unsustainable levels of abstraction can reduce river flow to levels that are critical for water-borne flora and fauna. Reduced flows result in a host of other impacts, from lower dilution of pollutants, to the disruption of sediment and nutrient transport, and alterations to natural habitats conditions, including wetland and transitional waters (Chapter 3.6).

Abstraction in groundwater poses several threats too. Groundwater is a crucial source of water for nature, especially wetlands and coastal ecosystems, and for water supply, especially for drinking water. Abstraction in groundwater can deplete aquifers and increasing the risk of pollution and saline intrusion. Abstraction in groundwater bodies may not have an immediate impact on surface water bodies, but it may reduce river base flows in the medium term by reducing return flows into surface water bodies.


3.2.2        Current level of agricultural water abstraction

In the 2nd RBMP under the WFD , water abstraction for agriculture is reported as a significant pressure on the water environment in 64% of EU-28 countries (18 out of 28) and 44% of RBDs (85 out of 194). The countries with the highest proportion of surface water bodies significantly impacted by agricultural abstraction are Cyprus, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and Italy. For groundwater bodies, Cyprus, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Malta, Italy and France are the most affected countries.

Agriculture abstracted on average 50 km3 of water between 2008-2017 in the EU-28, which is about 24% of total water abstraction (EEA, 2020a). In the EEA-32, total agricultural abstraction was on average 92 km3 during that period, with Turkey abstracting on average 40 km3 of water every year. Most of the water abstracted by agriculture is consumed by the plant or lost as evapotranspiration, and therefore does not return to the environment (Box 3.4). As a result, agriculture is the largest net water user in Europe, accounting for 59% of net water use in the EU-28 (EEA, 2020a).

Box 3.3  Accounting for water used in irrigation.   

Water abstraction refers to the withdrawal of water from a water source e.g. pumping water from groundwater, harvesting water from a spring, extracting water from a river, lake or reservoir. In contrast, water use refers to net water consumption, which is not returned to the environment in the form of return flows or losses due to evapotranspiration.

In agriculture, unintended losses can occur at all parts of the distribution system. For instance, leakage may occur in the canals and pipes bringing water from the abstraction point to the field. In the field, the efficiency of the irrigation methods and technologies or the meteorological conditions at the time of application will influence losses due to infiltration and seepage to groundwater, and evapotranspiration rates. Irrigation management aims to reduce these losses.

In addition, different crops will have different water consumption intensities. For example, cotton crops water need vary between 7000 and 13000 m3/ha while beans water needs are around 3000-5000 m3/ha. Water consumed by the crop will not return to the local environment.

In agriculture, a large share of abstracted water is not returned to the environment as it is consumed by the plant or evaporates into the atmosphere. This contrasts significantly with other large water uses in Europe, such as public water supplies, which return most of the abstracted water as wastewater discharges.

Sources: ESTAT, 2020i; Brouwer and Heibloem, 1986

It is estimated that about 50% of water abstracted for agriculture in the EU-28 between 2008 and 2017 is from groundwater bodies (EEA, 2020a). The other half is divided between reservoirs (27%) and rivers (23%). The share of abstraction between surface water and groundwater differs between countries. Groundwater abstraction for irrigation exceeds 50% of total water abstraction for irrigation in Malta, Lithuania, Denmark, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Germany and Portugal. Some of these countries, such as Cyprus and Malta, have more than 50% of their groundwater body area in bad status.

Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal accounted for 91% of water abstracted for agriculture in the EU-28 between 2008 and 2017 (EEA, 2020a). This is also reflected in an analysis of the spatial distribution of the most intensely irrigated areas (Map 3.3). In those countries irrigation water abstraction levels ranged between 4500-9500 m3/ha in 2015. Other Mediterranean countries, such as Cyprus and Malta, present similar high intensities. Bulgaria has the highest irrigation water abstraction intensity (9000 m3/ha), while high rates are also found in France, Denmark, Lithuania and Romania (2000-3000 m3/ha).


3.2.3        Trends in water abstraction

Long term statistics on agricultural water use are difficult to recreate given the lack of adequate reporting on irrigation water use before the 1990s. Most studies indicate that water abstraction for agriculture has steadily grown in the second half of the 20th century with the expansion of irrigated agriculture (Molden et al., 2007a).

Since 1990, total abstraction from agriculture has reduced in the EU-28, from 80 km3 in 1990 to 53 km3 in 2017 (EEA, 2020a). The largest change in the EU-28 occurred in 1990 with the change of political system in Eastern Europe, where agricultural water abstraction has decreased from from 8 km3 in 1990 to 1 billion km3 in 2017 in Romania and Bulgaria alone. 

In total, a fall can also be observed in 16 countries of the EU-28 (EEA, 2020a). Reasons for this evolution are complex and locally specific. In some countries, such as France, it can be associated with the shifts in prices, e.g. favouring less water demanding cereals at the expense of more water demanding maize, as well as stricter abstraction controls imposed by WFD to protect ecosystems during droughts, changes in agricultural policy priorities, or loss of agricultural land to urban area (Martin, 2013).

Some countries have increased agricultural water abstraction such as Belgium, Lithuania and Cyprus. In the EEA-32 countries, Turkey has seen a significant rise in its agricultural abstraction, from 27 billion km3 in 1990 to nearly 46 km3 in (EEA, 2020a).


3.2.4        Unsustainable water abstraction and areas under water stress

The degree of impact of agricultural abstraction on the aquatic ecosystems depends on the volume of water abstracted, the type of resource exploited, the location of the abstraction point, and the timing of the abstraction, in particular with regards to surface water and groundwater levels and climate conditions. The multiplication of agricultural abstraction points can cumulatively lead to a significant impact on the overall water balance of a catchment or an aquifer, and contribute to water scarcity. It can be particularly impactful on the water environment because abstraction occurs during the dry season when crop water demand is at its highest, while river flows are at their lowest.

Water scarcity is a measure of water availability in relation to human demands. It occurs when the demand for water by different economic sectors exceeds water availability. It is not only related to water demands by agriculture, but to the demand of all sectors that rely on water: households, industry, cooling water and agriculture. These activities are unevenly distributed across Europe, and some have more constant demands whereas especially agriculture has very strong seasonal demands.

Water stress can be used to assess the degree of water scarcity, and is calculated as the imbalance between renewable water resources and water demand. It is expressed by the water exploitation index (WEI+) as the percentage of total water use from surface and groundwater systems over the renewable freshwater resources for a specific area and time. A WEI+ above 20 % implies that a water resource is under stress, and more than 40 % indicates severe stress and clearly unsustainable use of the resource. 

The seasonal variation of WEI+ has been calculated for Europe (Figure 1.4).  Water scarcity associated with agricultural activities have a strong seasonal variation especially evident in southern European countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece. Agricultural water use also contributes to water stress in other regions, where irrigation is developed.

Supporting sustainable abstraction in agriculture and restoring hydrological regimes in rivers and groundwater levels are essential to supporting healthy ecology, enhancing natural resilience to drought, and ensuring that rivers continue to support wellbeing and recreation.


Previous comments

  • pohlmich (Michael Pohl) 16 Jul 2020 09:06:36

    3.2.3: Check your Units- talking about km3 and billion km3.

  • (invited by David Simoens) 01 Sep 2020 14:19:32

    In subsection 3.2.2, after "Some of these countries, such as Cyprus and Malta, have more than 50% of their groundwater body area in bad status.", suggest to make a textual change to the document to emphasize that this reflects and is also the result of their semi-arid climate.

  • ritvamar (Maria Szomolanyi Ritvayne) 04 Sep 2020 13:50:40

    We agree with the key messages, especially on the status of surface waters. In Hungary the ratio of arable land is high; therefore the pressures are also strong caused by agricultural activities. As the precipitation becomes even more uneven due to climate change, the hydromorphological-hydrological pressures continue to grow because of irrigation water abstraction. In addition the safe food production needs to increase the current level of irrigation, though Hungary is already mentioned between the most affected countries by the effect of water abstraction of surface and ground waters.

    Pesticide loads caused by the currently used chemicals are not the defining factors of chemical water quality in Hungary. The historical pesticide contamination is caused by already abandoned and phased out pesticides, for example triazine in the ground water.

  • ritvamar (Maria Szomolanyi Ritvayne) 04 Sep 2020 13:54:41

    We think there is a mistype error in 3.2.3, second paragraph: “Since 1990, total abstraction from agriculture has reduced in the EU-28, from 80 km3 in 1990 to 53 km3 in 2017 (EEA, 2020a). The largest change in the EU-28 occurred in 1990 with the change of political system in Eastern Europe, where agricultural water abstraction has decreased from from 8 km3 in 1990 to 1 billion km3 in 2017 in Romania and Bulgaria alone.”

  • farrereg (Regis Farret) 04 Sep 2020 16:39:56

    France also calculates WEI+ at river sub-basin level, and the results are surprisingly different for the summer period. The map that is presented fig 3.3 delivers a message that is contardictory to recent French publications. It might be the same for other countries. It is likely that the discrepancy comes from the input data, from the perimeter chosen for the calculation, or from methodological choices. This issue was already raised in a dedicated workshop at the EEA in June 2019. Therefore :

    1°) we suggest that a specific expert exchange can take place, possibly leading to amendments to the map 3.3.

    2°) Alternatively a specific box could be added, that presents the results for France (we can also provide a map for summer 2015). Proposal for a dedicated box :

    <<  France processes its own calculation of the WEI+ at river sub-basin level, from 2008 onwards. Compared to EEA results, some differences are worth to be mentioned for summer, probably resulting from alternative data sources (national statistics vs modelling) and choices made for the implementation (e.g. irrigation period, ratio consumption/abstraction…).  In France’s dataset, a very hight summer WEI+ (around 50%) appears in the most south-western sub-basin along the cost (“côtiers  aquitains et charentais”), an important maize production area, whereas in this report the WEI+ is lower than 5 to 10 %. On the contrary, France’s results do not show the high values that the EEA obtains for North-Eastern France (Meuse, Moselle-Sarre), nor the very high value in the centre of France (southern part of the Loire moyenne sub-basin). However, EEA and France’s calculations both lead to a high WEI+ in central part of France (lower part of the bigger Loire basin), one of the most important cereal production areas.>>

  • farrereg (Regis Farret) 04 Sep 2020 16:45:47

    §3.2.3: The time series on water abstraction for agriculture in France, and provided to the EEA, starts in 2008. It is therefore formally impossible to conclude to a fall in the water used for agriculture from 1990 (period refererred to in the paragraph above). The bibliographic source referred to at the end of the paragraph mentions the decrease of the area of maize irrigated from 2000 to 2010 (latest agricultural census); this might be indicated. On top of that, between 2008 and 2017, we do not observe such a downward trend.

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