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Projections show that the warming climate could cause the growing season to become longer in most European regions. As a result, crops growing in warmer conditions could be cultivated in northern latitudes, and crop cultivation in certain areas of southern Europe (e.g. Spain), could shift into the winter season (EEA, 2016c, 2016a). Moreover warmer climate conditions earlier in spring and later in autumn may enable crop cultivation for longer periods of time and possibly with multiple harvests. As a result, climate change could increase the crop water deficits and the irrigation water requirements could increase more than 20% in southern Europe (Konzmann et al., 2013). An overall increase is projected across all Europe (EEA, 2016b). Regarding future crop yields, the projected patterns show high variability with location, crop type, climate and management conditions. Overall, a rise in productivity is expected in northern Europe and a decrease in southern Europe, although this is not uniform across all crop types (EEA, 2016j).

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