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European citizens (EU 27 + Norway) pay on average between 0.26-2.56 Euro/m3 for drinking water abstraction, treatment and distribution services (“public water supply”). In the 2nd RBMPs, recovery of financial costs of public water supply was higher than 100% in 23 RBDs and between 80%-100% in 25 RBDs. In some RBDs, such as Odra RBD, Czechia, the financial cost recovery rate for public water supply was as high as 128%, whereas in the international RBD of the Scheldt, Belgium, the financial cost recovery rate was reported lower than 1%. 10 RBDs did not report financial cost recovery data for this service in the 2nd RBMPs.

Previous comments

  • veerenrob (Rob van der Veeren) 26 Jan 2022 19:06:19

    I am not sure what prices are taken here for the Netherlands. In the Netherlands we have a price per m3 to cover the variable part of the costs of purification of water so it can be used as drinking water, but also a fixed rate that covers the costs for the infrastructure. So if one only focusses on the price/m3, you are only looking at part of the costs. Moreover, if your consumption is low, your fixed rate might even be the largest share of the bill. (The revenues from all bills will in the end cover 100% of the total costs for purifcation and distribution of drinkingwater).  

    • zalllnih (Nihat Zal) 04 Mar 2022 15:07:11


      The methodology is provided in the relevant Eurostat manual:

      The price per m3 is readjusted and it includes all relevant costs: basic fee, rent of meter, sewerage charge and taxes, other charges and taxes, etc.

      I am not sure what prices are taken here for the Netherlands. In the Netherlands we have a price per m3 to cover the variable part of the costs of purification of water so it can be used as drinking water, but also a fixed rate that covers the costs for the infrastructure. So if one only focusses on the price/m3, you are only looking at part of the costs. Moreover, if your consumption is low, your fixed rate might even be the largest share of the bill. (The revenues from all bills will in the end cover 100% of the total costs for purifcation and distribution of drinkingwater).  


  • scheidand (Andreas Scheidleder) 31 Jan 2022 17:19:42

    2nd sentence "...higher than 100% in 23 RBDs with a maximum of xxx %

    Last sentence is unclear. 10 RBDS is only correct if these 10 RBDs reported costs on the other service but not this.
    How many RBDs did not report any cost data? Are they counted here?

    • zalllnih (Nihat Zal) 04 Mar 2022 15:07:44


      10 RBDs reported the service but did not report % recovery (i.e. NULL)

      2nd sentence "...higher than 100% in 23 RBDs with a maximum of xxx %

      Last sentence is unclear. 10 RBDS is only correct if these 10 RBDs reported costs on the other service but not this.
      How many RBDs did not report any cost data? Are they counted here?


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