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4.1.3. Waterbase - Emissions

As already described in section, only few Member States reported pesticide emissions under the Waterbase - Emissions database.

Two countries (Belgium and the Netherlands) reported an estimate of pesticide releases from agriculture. This estimate is based on the national model NMI3 for the Netherlands and the WEISS model developed and used in Belgium. The model NMI 3 is based on the development of emission factors using different pathways and the sales data of pesticides. It is described in the national emission register [1]. The WEISS model was developed under the WEISS project and combines data on pesticide use, crop distribution and pathway factors [2].

[1], cit. 28.7.2019


Previous comments

  • Angelo Maggiore (invited by Caroline Whalley) 07 Feb 2020 10:29:24

    It is questioned if sales data could be retrieved from ECPA. It would be interesting to investigate a possible correlation between the "usage" and the occurrence of pesticides in groundwater at a catchment scale.

  • Stuart Rutherford (invited by Caroline Whalley) 07 Feb 2020 15:05:36

    Using the “emission models” (NMI3 and WEISS), sales data is multiplied with constant emission factors (see Fig 4.5 which clearly shows that the curves of the different compounds have identical shape). The temporal trends the models give are therefore the same as when just using sales data, and are therefore at least redundant, if not meaningless. Specifically, it should be mentioned that models do not consider the increasing implementation of mitigation and stewardship measure which reduce emissions even when the use rate remains the same.

    The WEISS model is a specific model (is it peer-reviewed?) for a specific MS featuring specific pedoclimatic conditions and other environmental conditions. Reader might draw biased conclusions relative to other MS

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