Bulk download Meeting 2015-11-12 - Water Framework Directive Reporting Workshop

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Given the limited capacity of the Conference room, a two-phase registration process will be in place:

- until 2015-11-01, we kindly request each Member State to register a maximum of two participants;

- from 2015-11-02 to 2015-11-08, we'll reopen the registration up to the limit of the room capacity, without a restriction on the number of participants per country.

Period 12/11/2015, 09:00 - 13/11/2015, 16:30
Address Kongens Nytorv 6, 1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Organization/Building/Room EEA / Conference Room
Contact person Francisca Bordallo
Release date 16/10/2015
Contributor Fernanda Nery
Type Workshop Workshop
Keywords WFD



Register to attend (self or another user)

Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder Background documents folder contains no sub-items Fernanda Nery 16/10/2015, 11:55
Folder Presentations (7 items) Fernanda Nery 16/10/2015, 11:55
DOCX Agenda Download (2 versions) Fernanda Nery 10/11/2015, 15:55 22 KB
DOCX Draft minutes Download capitjoa (disabled) 26/01/2016, 09:30 73 KB
DOC Survey on the Workshop Download Alberto Telletxea 11/11/2015, 23:32 63 KB
URL Wise Meeting Streaming Links bordafra (disabled) 09/12/2015, 15:18

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