Folder 2020-06-09 - INSPIRE Priority Datasets for the Water Framework Directive Zip download

On the 9th of June, the EEA organises a workshop on the management, visualisation and dissemination of Pan-European datasets, focusing on 4 topics:

  • Reporting data flow management and data production chain
  • INSPIRE priority list of datasets for e-Reporting
  • Creating INSPIRE-compliant Geography Markup Language (GML) datasets for the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
  • Environmental Noise Directive reporting mechanism and alignment with the INSPIRE Directive

Specifically related the Water Framework Directive INSPIRE priority datasets, the workshop will present the results of the transformation and encoding of the WFD reference spatial datasets into INSPIRE-compliant GML datasets and the use of a pan-European register of unique thematic identifiers to guarantee the uniqueness and traceability of the spatial reference objects.

A full description of the workshop can be found here:

The presentation, support material and country datasets can be downloaded from the present folder. 


The workshop takes place in scope of the INSPIRE 2020 Online Conference, 3rd - 12th June 2020.

(See information below. Participation is free. Registration for the specific sessions is required.)

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder INSPIRE-compliant GML datasets (29 subfolders) Fernanda Nery 09/06/2020, 13:00
XLSX QuickReferenceCard - Mapping to INSPIRE Download Fernanda Nery 08/06/2020, 19:55 39 KB
PDF INSPIRE Priority Data Sets - Water Framework Directive - 2020-06-09 - Fernanda Nery Download (2 versions) Fernanda Nery 09/06/2020, 10:40 5 MB
BINARY Workbench - AM - Example transformation Download Fernanda Nery 09/06/2020, 15:44 266 KB
BINARY Workbench - EF - Example transformation Download Fernanda Nery 09/06/2020, 15:46 280 KB