Folder 2021- Water pricing and cost recovery

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder Key literature collection (3 items) Nihat Zal 29/04/2021, 08:12
PDF Berbel and Exposito (2020) Theory and practice of water pricing and cost recovery in the WFD Download Gerardo Anzaldua 28/04/2021, 10:19 286 KB
DOCX WaterEconomicData_SynthesisReport_ECformat Download Gerardo Anzaldua 28/04/2021, 10:22 8 MB
PDF Guideline to join a meeting through Microsoft Teams Download Nihat Zal 14/04/2021, 18:31 247 KB
DOCX Workshop Agenda Download Nihat Zal 14/04/2021, 18:26 26 KB
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