Folder Webinar - WISE 2 Biology data

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
PDF Introduction to reporting WISE-2 for new reporters Download (2 versions) Gašper Šubelj 11/10/2021, 17:15 201 KB
DOCX Link to recording of the meeting Download Monika Peterlin 13/10/2021, 12:32 12 KB
BINARY WISE2 webinar AGENDA Download Monika Peterlin 12/10/2021, 08:33 996 KB
PPTX EEA_webinar_biology_JMO_20211011_2100 Download (3 versions) Jannicke Moe 13/10/2021, 09:59 6 MB
DOCX ETC-ICM_Task1513_D5_v1.1 Download Jannicke Moe 14/10/2021, 14:45 3 MB
BINARY 12 October 2021 WISE 2 Webinar_intro_background_purpose_development_use_ALS Download Anne Lyche Solheim 11/10/2021, 21:34 2 MB
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