Folder 2001 - 2005 EUROWATERNET

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder EUROWATERNET Historical (3 subfolders) Hermann Peifer 30/03/2012, 14:51
Folder EUROWATERNET Quantity guidelines - results of pilot testing folder contains no sub-items Steve Nixon 30/03/2012, 14:51
Folder EUROWATERNET Update 2002 (1 subfolder, 15 items) Steve Nixon 30/03/2012, 14:51
Folder EUROWATERNET Update 2004 (1 subfolder) Ruth Cullingford 30/03/2012, 14:51
Folder Eionet-Water Update 2005 - Data validation (109 items) Ruth Cullingford 30/03/2012, 14:51
Folder EUROWATERNET Update 2001 (4 subfolders, 2 items) cullirut (disabled) 30/03/2012, 14:51
Folder EUROWATERNET Update 2003 (2 subfolders, 5 items) cullirut (disabled) 30/03/2012, 14:51
DOC EUROWATERNET: The EEA's and EIONET's data and information gathering system for Europe Download simiamih (disabled) 30/03/2012, 00:00 229 KB
DOC Eurowaternet Brochure Download lack (disabled) 23/12/2003, 00:00 5 MB
DOC Final Report to EEA and TACIS on EUROWATERNET for EECCA countries Download lack (disabled) 12/12/2003, 00:00 5 MB
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